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Nursing Schools in Kentucky, KY

Currently, there are 58 state-approved nursing education programs in the state. From Anderson to Woodford , the Kentucky Board of Nursing provides a breakdown of schools organized by region and type. It’s a good idea, however, to consider schools beyond the where you are located. Differences in pricing, courses, NCLEX pass rates and more could make a big difference on which school best suits your needs.

Sponsored Schools

*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in Iowa

With so many nursing school options to narrow down, it’s hard to know where to start. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to figure out which school is best for you.

Choosing an Online Nursing School

  • Compare. Look at tuition costs, equipment requirements, reported pass rates, and course timelines. These aspects where online schools can vary greatly and narrowing down your preferences begins here.
  • Decide. Do you want to enroll in an accelerated online nursing program or one that moves at a traditional pace? Do you want to pursue your Associate’s Degree in Nursing or an advanced degree?
  • Research. With your narrowed down list, research options for financial aid and scholarships for the online schools.
  • Apply. Choose two or three different online nursing schools that most appeal to you and your educational needs and apply.

Online Nursing Degrees
Almost any degree that can be earned in a traditional classroom can also be pursued in an online setting. These are the most common online nursing degrees:

  • Associate’s Degree in Nursing (2 Years)
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (4 Years)
  • Master of Science in Nursing (7-8 Years)

Career Outlook and Wages for Nurses in Kentucky

Technology has done more than allow you to pursue an online nursing degree. Thanks to advances in technology, the healthcare field is expanding, particularly where nursing is concerned. The field of nursing has been steadily increasing and is expected to do so for the foreseeable future. Because of the current growth, there will be a continued need for nurses as positions open up due to retirement, relocation, and career advancement.[1]

This could very well be the case for registered nurses in Kentucky. There are 1,035 registered nurses in Kentucky per 100,000 people. This number significantly surpasses the 860 registered nurses per 100,000 people throughout the United States.[2] With so many registered nursing positions to replace, there could be a continued need for quite some time.

Registered nurses in Kentucky earn a wage that is notably higher than the $41,489 annual median income throughout the state.[3] The reported wages of nurses in Kentucky varies depending upon the location within the state but ranges between $51,270 and $61,170.[4] Based on these figures, it is apparent that becoming a registered nurse in Kentucky is a career move that is both profitable and rewarding.

Cities in Kentucky, KY Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs:  Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon.  Nursing Degrees and Schools in Kentucky can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Kentucky, KY.  Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities: Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, Owensboro, Covington, Hopkinsville, Richmond, Florence, Georgetown, Henderson, Elizabethtown, Nicholasville, Jeffersontown

[1] Registered Nurse Overview
[2] Registered Nurses per 100,000 Population: Kentucky
[3] Kentucky Earnings Overview
[4] Registered Nurse Earnings: Kentucky


Cities in Kentucky, KY with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations: In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs. Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree. The following cities in Kentucky, KY may have a near campus: Frankfort, Paducah, Independence, Radcliff, Ashland, Madisonville, Winchester, Erlanger, Murray, St. Mathews, Fort Thomas, Danville, Burlington, Newport, Shively