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Kentucky, KY | RN to BSN Nursing School Program

An RN to BSN education program in Kentucky offers flexible class schedules, online delivery, and the ability to expedite education through NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams. Indeed, RN to BSN programs are an attractive option to currently working RNs who want to elevate their career options and earning potential while remaining in the work force.

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Aside from previous grades, professional references, work experience, and volunteer activities also play a role in acceptance into an RN to BSN program in Kentucky. Once admitted, courses cover advanced nursing processes, research and theory. In addition, courses in sociology, psychology, pharmacology and beyond allow nurses to gain a broader spectrum of knowledge as they move towards graduation. All that is required for graduation is a specific GPA—usually a C average, although some programs have higher standards—as there is no final test. One remains a Registered Nurse, but opens up further opportunities for advancement based on their newfound knowledge with a BSN.