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Wyoming, WY | LPN to BSN Nursing School Program

Why Do an LPN to BSN in Wyoming?

An LPN to BSN in Wyoming leads to higher wages and greatly improved career opportunities. The specialized education earned in a BSN can lead to private contracts, managerial positions and more, allowing nurses to pursue a job that best fits their interests upon completion. And RNs in Wyoming average close to $20,000 more than LPNs per year (according to, and those with BSNs often wind up at the higher end of the pay scale—reason enough to enter an LPN to BSN in Wyoming.

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How to Do an LPN to BSN in Wyoming

A Wyoming LPN to BSN takes 2 to 3 years complete and one must apply for general studies and then a college of nursing to get in, just like in an LPN. In addition to basic nurse training already received through an LPN, a BSN delves further into advanced topics of study like nursing theory, clinical study, and other specialized topics such as legal issues in health care and advanced pharmacology, and leads to licensure as a Registered Nurse via the NCLEX-RN. It costs $130 to apply for examination to the Wyoming State Board of Nursing, plus a $60 criminal background check and fingerprinting fee, and $200 to take the test through the national exam administrators Pearson Vue.