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How to Become a Nurse in Wyoming, WY

In Wyoming, becoming a nurse is a three step process: prerequisites, education, and licensure.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Prerequisites for a professional nursing training program in Wyoming can vary from none in the case of a one year Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) diploma program, to one semester as in the case of a two year Associate Degree, Nursing (ADN), to up to three semesters for some Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSN) programs. Regardless of which path you choose, prerequisites will vary from college too college. However, they typically focus upon introductory classes in topics like biology, physiology, math, English, and psychology.

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* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Step 2: Education

Once prerequisites are complete, you must apply to a suitable nursing education program. There are typically more applicants than spots, so doing well in prerequisites is important. And once accepted studies begin by introducing nursing concepts, theory and practices. From patient care to nurse management, those in ADN and BSN programs work towards licensure as a Registered Nurse (RN). And those in a BSN program use their extra two years of studies to undertake advanced learning about topics ranging from nurse education, to research, management and more. Indeed, BSN students have the opportunity to direct their elective studies and specialize in an area of nursing that appeal to the individual student—for this reason, around half of the nursing students nationwide choose the BSN route.

Step 3: Licensure

Taking the NCLEX licensure exam is the last step to graduating from a Wyoming nursing education program and becoming a nurse in Wyoming. The test is standardized for all nursing students nationwide, and is designed to make sure a student’s knowledge and skills are sufficient to ensure capable and safe nursing practices.

Detailed Wyoming Nursing Information

For more information on becoming a nurse in Wyoming, such as alternate nursing education programs and upgrading, and Wyoming nurse salaries, jobs and duties, visit our Wyoming nursing page.