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West Virginia, WV | LPN to BSN Nursing School Program

Why Take an LPN to BSN in West Virginia?

A Licensed Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Science, Nursing education program allows currently-licensed West Virginia LPNs to not only prepare for licensure as a Registered Nurse, but as a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor’s Degree—and the intellectual capital necessary to excel as a nurse. Not to mention the fact that RNs make 1.5 times the annual salary of LPNs in the state.

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How to Do an LPN to BSN in West Virginia

Current licensure as an LPN, transcripts from LPN education, and workplace recommendations are all required when apply to a West Virginia Licensed Practical Nurse to Bachelor’s of Nursing program. Studies in nursing practice, theories, concepts and research take three years once enrolled—it is not a commitment to be taken lightly and delves deeply into advanced nursing practices and theories of assessment, health care as it relates to specific populations, public sector health issues, and much, much more. And when the three years are finished and nurses are ready to re-enter the work force, they take the $200 NLCEX-RN via Pearson Vue and upwards of 90 percent of student pass the test their first try.