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How to Become a Nurse in Utah, UT

To become a nurse in Utah, one must follow three easy steps: prerequisites, nursing education, and licensure examination.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Step 1: Prerequisites

Although Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) training can be done in a year without prerequisites, the far more common Registered Nurse (RN) education programs require a handful of first year college courses before application. This can vary from program to program, but it usually consists of one to three semesters of first year math, physiology, biology, psychology, and so forth, and, in some cases, some second year courses in similar subjects—check with your desired program for specific requirements.

Step 2: Utah Nursing Education

Application does not guarantee acceptance into a Utah nursing education program—while demand is high for nurses, so too is demand high for Utah nursing education, and good grades are key to acceptance. There are two RN training programs to choose from: an Associate Degree, Nursing (ADN), which takes two years, and a Bachelor of Science, Nursing, which takes four years of full time study. Both programs teach patient assessment, drug administration, care, and nurse management, but a BSN gives students more time to pursue advanced nursing theory and research studies, as well as more time for directed studies in specialized topics, which, in turn, can open the door to a wider variety of careers and, in some cases, higher earning potential.

Step 3: Licensure Exam

The final step to becoming a nurse in Utah is to take the licensure exam. The test is the same for nurses across the country and is called the NCLEX—it ensures that graduating nurses have the requisite knowledge and skill to safely and effectively work as a nurse in Utah.
More Utah Nursing Information
To further explore becoming a nurse in Utah, visit our in-depth Utah nursing page. There, you will find job information, salaries, duties, alternative Utah nursing certificates, and much more.