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How to Become a Nurse in Tennessee, TN

Becoming a nurse in Tennessee begins with identifying a college program that suits your needs. For most prospective nurses, this means becoming a Registered Nurse—the biggest group of health care professionals in the United States—and there are two common routes to becoming one: a four year Bachelor of Science (BSN) or a two year Associate Degree (ADN) in nursing.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Before applying to a Registered Nurse program one must complete prerequisite courses, which usually last between one-three semesters worth if studying full time. Just like course offerings can vary between nursing education programs, so can prerequisites. However, they are usually made up of common introductory college courses like math and English, before moving to more specific pre-nursing topics.

Once accepted into a Tennessee nursing education program, the course work becomes much more focused on hands-on clinical skills and classroom knowledge related to patient care, assessment, nurse management, research, theory, and more. Those in a BSN program have a little more time to study the aforementioned topics in greater depth, as well as being able to choose more electives and focus their studies on particular areas of personal interest.

Studies culminate with the NCLEX exam, a nationally-standardized licensure examination. It is the last step to becoming a nurse in Tennessee.

More Information on Tennessee Nursing

If you want to learn more about Tennessee nursing including alternative licensure and certificates such as becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), wages, nursing duties, job prospects and beyond, visit our Tennessee nursing pages.