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Rhode Island, RI - RN to BSN Nursing School Program

Registered Nurses in Rhode Island who didn’t receive their license via a BSN degree still have the chance to upgrade via a RN to BSN education program while continuing to work—and sometimes, in as little as a year, they can get a Bachelor’s Degree through the course work, flexible classes, and NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams, which offer advanced placement based on knowledge acquired on the job.

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Application to an RN to BSN in Rhode Island requires good grades in RN training and references from current superiors—it is targeted directly at currently working RNs who wish to advance their education while remaining in the workforce. Once enrolled, classes target advanced nursing practice, theory, and concepts, as well as covering student-selected topics in particular areas of interest, like radiology, maternity care, pharmacology, and community health programming. The only requirements for graduation are a sufficient grade point average, which can be as low as 2.5, but sometimes higher—if enrolled, nurses are expected to excel. RN to BSN graduates finish their education with advanced understanding and skills that employers seek and entering a program towards Advanced Practice Nurse licensure or a Master’s Degree is possible—or simply new, unique placements in the Registered Nurse work force.