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Pennsylvania, PA - RN to BSN Nursing School Program

Why Do an RN to BSN in Pennsylvania?

An RN to BSN degree is most attractive to working RNs who want to further their education while remaining in the workforce. This is made possible through flexible class schedules, including the option of distance education and online courses. This way, accredited RNs can expand their knowledge and skills already gained through previous education and RN licensure, through programs such as an ADN. In addition, it is possible to complete the programs at an accelerated rate—as little as one year once all the general education courses are completed. Accelerated completion is partly made possible through NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams, which test knowledge in nursing processes and skills, medical and surgical processes and knowledge, pediatrics, mental health and maternal newborn care, and place currently working nurses for accelerated education. Essentially, they test current knowledge and skills to determine the educational development of accepted RNs and allow them to move to higher level courses based on previously acquired knowledge. This allows currently employed Registered Nurses to tailor individual coursework to their needs and to reach career goals. Indeed, an RN to BSN in Pennsylvania is a way for currently working RNs to improve their skills and knowledge, and in turn improve their job opportunities while remaining in the work force.

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How to Do an RN to BSN in Pennsylvania

Currently, over forty schools offer RN to BSN programs in Pennsylvania, including at least ten that offer online instruction, such as Philadelphia’s Drexel University. Acceptance requires a minimum GPA of 2.5 in previous nursing courses, but only the best applicants are usually accepted—it is best to check with the school of choice about whether your grades are sufficient. Usually, prerequisite courses have been completed on the way to an RN via ADN. And like an ADN, admission to general studies is required before applying to a nursing school. Once accepted to the respective college of nursing, students take courses in research, leadership, family and community health, community assessment and upper level electives that allow for further specialization of knowledge during an RN to BSN.

There is no final test to achieve a BSN beyond those in coursework—before entry you have already passed the NCLEX-RN. There is, however, a minimum GPA required to graduate, usually a 2.5 or C average. And once a student has graduated, many newfound opportunities for career advancement open up. Newfound skills in critical thinking and research apply to a broad range of topics, and the exposure to specialized knowledge streams can lead to both public and private sector research positions and both within and beyond a traditional health care setting such as a hospital or clinic. Leadership and management skills offer the opportunity for advancement in current occupational settings as well. With an average Registered Nurse’s salary sitting around $65,000 (according to in urban areas of Pennsylvania, this can also mean that graduates of an RSN to BSN program have the opportunity to move to the higher end of the nursing salary scale.