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Ohio, OH | LPN Nursing Program Information

Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse is probably the fastest way to enter the workforce as a nurse in Ohio. LPNs work under Registered Nurses and doctors providing many types of essential care. From monitoring vital signs and  giving injections, regulating and administering prescribed medicines, to dressing wounds and more, they also take care of simpler bedside tasks such as washing and feeding patients, as well as equipment maintenance and sample collection.

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There is high need for LPNs in health care settings throughout Ohio, both within hospitals and also nursing homes, clinics and even private homes. The typical salary for an Ohio LPN working in a metropolitan area is close to $40,000 per year (according to plus benefits, which can add an additional $20,000 of value to your salary. Additionally, the US Department of Labor reports that higher than average growth is expected for LPNs as a whole, making it a promising career with growing opportunity for employment.

Licensed Practical Nurses work the usual 40 hour week, but the fact that patients need attention at all hours requires LPNs to sometimes work at night, on weekends, and even holidays. This might not be perfect for all, but it can provide opportunity for those who need flexibility due to other commitments such as family, school and so on.

To become a Licensed Practical Nurse in Ohio one must first complete a state approved LPN program, which typically takes about a year of full time study and is widely available through universities, colleges, and private institutions. Requirements for entry may vary based on the guidelines of different schools, but to enter any type of nursing program a high school diploma or accepted equivalent is necessary. Additionally, it is usually necessary to enter general studies at a college or university and complete a number of prerequisite courses, such as human anatomy, microbiology, psychology and more—usually amounting to around 30 credit hours—before even applying for nursing school.

After prerequisites are met with good enough grades—as low as a C average or a 2.5 GPA—there is one more step before application for some programs, but not all: passing the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS), which include tests of reading, math, science and English skills. Although a C average may not seem like much, the minimum isn’t always enough—there are a high number of applicants for nursing school in Ohio and most schools give preference to students with better grades in prerequisite courses and pre-admission tests such as the TEAS.

Once accepted, LPN training consists of 60 credit hours of study, which can be completed in a year or less. In some cases, LPN certification is receivable after the first year of a two-year Associate Degree of Nursing program, while other schools offer a stand-alone Licensed Practical Nurse Program. Regardless, first year courses prepare students for the National Counsel Licensing Examination-Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN). The NCLEX-PN is a licensure examination. Therefore, once this nationally-standardized exam is passed, a student receives their LPN license and is eligible to work in Ohio. It must be renewed biannually, and requires 24 hours of continuing education for renewal. It is important to note that the Ohio Board of Nursing also charges a $75 licensing fee after NCLEX-PN examination fees (see NCLEX page for more).

While working as an LPN can be a great career, it is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to nursing. Further training can lead to licensure as a registered Nurse and a Bachelor of Science, Nursing, which provide far more career options, higher wages, and increased opportunity.