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North Dakota, ND - RN to BSN Nursing School Program

Working RNs in North Dakota who were licensed via an Associate’s Degree or diploma program can upgrade to a Bachelor’s Degree via a RN to BSN education program. Distance education, online classes, evening and weekend course offerings, and NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams—which offer advanced placement based on knowledge acquired on the job—all make it easy and efficient to tailor courses to an individual student’s needs and aspirations.

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To get into an RN to BSN program in North Dakota, students must provide transcripts from RN training and letters of reference from current and past employers. Once accepted, they learn advanced practice, concepts, theories and methods of nursing, alongside a variety of electives that allow nurses to pursue personal interests in fields like health care law and abnormal psychology. Graduation requires at least a C average (and more in some programs).