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Nursing Schools in North Dakota, ND

In North Dakota, there are eight state approved Bachelor Degree Registered Nurse programs, which offer just fewer than 500 slots for admission. With close to 700 applicants, the state’s schools are not quite equipped to handle all the demand—thus, it is important to make sure you have good grades and volunteer experience to ensure acceptance. There is also, of course, the option of applying for one of the two Associate Degree routes to Registered Nurse training and licensure, although there is only room for around 50 percent of applicants in the state’s ADN programs. Clearly, then, it is important to select a school that you are likely to gain acceptance, but also one that suits your needs with regards to tuition and course offerings—there is a great deal of variance from program to program, so it is worth considering numerous options before submitting applications.

Sponsored Schools

*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in North Dakota

If the idea of competing for a spot in a North Dakota nursing school doesn’t appeal to you, you should consider the option of enrolling in an online nursing school. Online nursing programs are well-equipped to handle, train, and educate thousands of students throughout the entire country. While it is still essential that you research your school options, and beneficial to have volunteer experience and excellent grades, there are several different avenues in which you can pursue your nursing degree.

Advantages of Online Nursing Programs in North Dakota

  • More options. Because there aren’t a plethora of traditional nursing school options in North Dakota, it is helpful to know that there are a vast number of degrees that you can enroll in.
  • Less pressure. The majority of your online nursing coursework will be completed online, which means less pressure to compete with your fellow classmates. This means that you can focus on the most important aspect of earning a nursing degree: training and absorbing essential nursing practices.
  • No relocating. It is tempting to assume that the only way to secure a spot in a nursing school is to apply at all of the nursing schools in North Dakota and the surrounding states, which could mean having to relocate. When you earn an online nursing degree, you can study from anywhere you please, so relocating isn’t necessary.

Online Nursing Degrees
An excellent resource while you’re researching traditional and online nursing schools in North Dakota is the North Dakota Board of Nursing.[1] In addition to information about taking the NCLEX in North Dakota and other licensure information, you’ll find a list of accredited North Dakota nursing schools as well as guidelines for how to earn North Dakota Board of Nursing approval for out-of-state nursing students.[2] There are many possibilities for nursing degrees, but the most commonly earned online nursing degrees are:

  • Associates Degree in Nursing
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Master of Science in Nursing

Earnings of Registered Nurses in North Dakota

Whether you decide to pursue a traditional or online nursing degree in North Dakota, it is interesting to know how much you might earn after graduation. Registered nurses in North Dakota earn an annual median income that falls between $47,000 and $58,820.[3] These figures are comparable to the $49,450 reported annual income of the state.[4]

Cities in North Dakota, ND Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs: Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon. Nursing Degrees and Schools in North Dakota can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in North Dakota, ND. Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities: Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks, Minot

[1] North Dakota Board of Nursing
[2] North Dakota Board of Nursing: Guidelines for Out of State Nursing Education Programs Seeking Student Nurse Placement in North Dakota
[3] Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurse Earnings in North Dakota
[4] State Health Facts: Facts-At-A-Glance in North Dakota


Cities in North Dakota, ND with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations:  In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs.  Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree.  The following cities in North Dakota, ND may have a near campus: West Fargo, Mandan, Dickinson, Jamestown