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North Dakota, NM | LPN to RN Nursing School Program

Why Take an LPN to RN Program in North Dakota?

The most obvious reason to pursue an LPN too RN education program in North Dakota is the wage benefits—RNs make another fifty percent more than LPNs on average in the state. In addition, an LPN to RN program provides the opportunity to pursue a more interesting and more dynamic career in nursing.

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How to Take an LPN to RN Program in North Dakota

When considering applications to an LPN to RN program in North Dakota, a college of nursing will consult previous grades as well as workplace reference. And once accepted to your program of choice, course offerings build upon previous LPN education and focus on patient care, nurse management and big-picture planning processes, while also including some general studies in the liberal arts and sciences. The final goal of the program is to prepare students for the Registered Nurse licensure test: NCLEX-RN.

Administered by Pearson Vue at a cost of $200, about 85 percent of students pass the test on their first attempt. The only other step to licensure—and entry into one of the fastest-growing occupational streams in the USA—is the application and licensure fee of $130, which is paid to the North Dakota Board of Nursing.