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Nevada, NV | CNA Certification Training Programs

Depending on your goals and qualifications to meet the CNA requirements in Florida, FL you may want to answer a few basic questions before you proceed on the right education path. 

  1. Please Choose Your Highest Level of Education

With many retirees locating to Nevada and an aging population, there is a lot of demand for CNAs in the state. Certified Nursing Assistants in Nevada usually work in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes and home health care settings, but also find employment in clinics and hospitals. Full time Certified Nursing Aides in Nevada average around $28,000 per year (according to plus benefits, which is above the national average. With a favorable tax climate, becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Nevada is an attractive entry-level health care employment option.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nevada CNA Training

CNA training in Nevada is regulated by the Nevada State Nursing Board and is widely available. Training courses consist of a minimum of 75 hours of training with a minimum of 16 hours spent in both a classroom and hands-on clinical setting.

Certified Nursing Assistant License in Nevada

The Nevada State Board of Nursing provides CNA licenses through a two-part test including a written examination and a skills demonstration test administered by Prometric at a cost of $120, with an additional $50 fee paid to the state. Once one has successfully passed the CNA exam and registered with the Nevada CNA registry, certification must be renewed every two years with proof of at least eight hours of employment as a Certified Nursing Assistant over the same time period.

CNA Courses in Nevada

There are currently 18 approved Certified Nursing Assistant training courses in Nevada, with three applying specifically to high school students, as listed by the state Board of Nursing.