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Nursing Schools in Nebraska, NE

The Nebraska Board of Nursing reviews education programs yearly and, as of 2010, there were 14 state-approved Licensed Practical Nurse programs, 13 Registered Nurse BSN programs—which also offer RN to BSN training—and 8 Registered Nurse ADN programs, as listed on the Board of Nursing’s website. With this many options, shopping around should be a priority. Each college of nursing varies with regards to courses offered, pass rates of graduates, and tuition costs.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in Nebraska

One option for pursuing a nursing degree in Nebraska is to enroll in an online nursing school. In these types of learning environments you will receive the same training and education, but at your own pace and on your own schedule. Here are some of the more commonly earned degrees in Nebraska and information about what it takes to become a registered nurse.

Online Nursing Degrees in Nebraska
The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services is an excellent source of up-to-date information of nurse licensure and accredited nursing schools in Nebraska. [1] There, you will find extensive information about fees, dates, and other requirements for sitting for the NCLEX exam (registered nurse) as well as Nebraska LPN certification.

  • An Associate’s Degree in Nursing spans approximately two years and involves hands-on clinical training. In an online nursing program, you will be matched with a nearby healthcare facility to fulfill the required training hours. Following graduation, students sit for the NCLEX and after earning a passing NCLEX grade, become licensed as a Nebraska registered nurse.
  • A Bachelor of Science in Nursing takes about four years to complete. Typically, students pursuing a BSN have already received their two-year degree and already hold a Nebraska nursing license.
  • Often, registered nurses who wish to earn their advanced nursing degree without sacrificing their job earn their Master of Science in Nursing in an online nursing program. This online nursing degree can take several years to complete.

Career Outlook for Registered Nurses in Nebraska

Nebraska boasts a remarkable 1,028 registered nurses per 100,000 population, where as the average throughout the United States is 860.[2] This figure is potentially a clue into the outlook for the nursing occupation in Nebraska. It is reported that the nursing profession will increase for the foreseeable future as current nurses retire, relocate, or leave their nursing jobs.[3] With so many nursing jobs to fill, there could be a continued need for registered nurses in Nebraska.

Earnings of Registered Nurses in Nebraska

The earnings of registered nurses in Nebraska vary greatly upon the location within the state. Generally, the larger the city within the state, the higher the reported earned wage because of cost of living as well as vicinity to major medical facilities. In Nebraska, this proves true for cities like Lincoln and Omaha. The reported annual median income for registered nurses in Nebraska ranges from $43,000 to $56,640.[4]As a comparison, the annual median income for the state of Nebraska is $50,333.[5]

Cities in Nebraska, MT Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs:  Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon.  Nursing Degrees and Schools in Nebraska can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Nebraska, MT.  Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities: Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue, Grand Island, Kearney, Fremont

[1] Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services:  RN/LPN Home Page
[2] State Health Facts: Registered Nurses per 100,000 Population in Nebraska
[3] Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurse Overview
[4] Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurse Earnings in Nebraska
[5] State Health Facts: Facts-At-A-Glace for Nebraska


Cities in Nebraska, MT with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations:  In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs.  Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree.  The following cities in Nebraska, MT may have a near campus: Hastings, North Platte, Norfolk, Columbus, Papillion, La Vista, Scottsbluff