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How to Become a Nurse in Nebraska, NE

Prospective nurses in Nebraska typically choose to become Registered Nurses. As the largest group of health care professionals in the USA, their ranks are expected to continue to grow in coming years as the population of the Cornhusker State continues to age.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

There are two common routes to becoming a Nebraska Registered Nurse and both are college-based: Associate Degree, Nursing (ADN) and Bachelor’s Degree, Nursing (BSN), with the former being a two year program, and the latter being a four year program. Both require a handful of prerequisites which take 3-6 months and include first-year college courses like math, chemistry, and English. They both may also offer early exit options to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) after a year, if you wish to begin working as a nurse as soon as possible.

The course of studies progresses from hands-on care techniques in the initial year to management and theory of nursing in the second year. Then BSN students undertake advanced nursing research, theory and management studies, as well as choosing electives for specialization in their third and fourth years.

Becoming a nurse is complete once course work is done and students have passed the NCLEX licensure test, which has both LPN and RN versions, and is the same for nurses nationwide. Pass rates are typically above 85 percent, but can vary from program to program—it’s worth checking into this before starting a nursing education program in Nebraska.

Further Reading

To learn more about becoming a nurse in Nebraska, visit our state-specific page, which covers jobs, salaries, other programs such as CNA training, and much more.