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Montana, MT - RN to BSN Nursing School Program

Currently working Registered Nurses in Montana who achieved licensure via an ADN or diploma program may upgrade to a BSN at a later date through an RN to BSN education program. Night and weekend classes, as well as the option of online study, allows students to schedule their course work around occupational requirements, while NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams can allow students to pass by courses that focus upon skills and knowledge they have already acquired through work experience and on the job training. Basically, an RN to BSN education program is a very efficient way for working RNs to take the next step with their education.

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Applying to an RN to BSN program requires transcripts from previous RN training and recommendations from employers, both of which carry significant weight when evaluating an application. After acceptance, students pursue studies in advanced nursing concepts, methods and theories alongside an array of courses focusing on specialized topics and issues related to nursing, like third world development, legal issues in health care, and others—these course offerings vary significantly from program to program. Once all the course work requirements have been fulfilled, graduation is based on meeting GPA requirements, which can be as low as a C average, and students leave the program with newfound knowledge and skills that open up a plethora of new opportunities within all fields of health care from the public to the private sphere.