Nursing Schools in Montana, MT
There are currently 11 colleges of nursing that offer state approved nursing education in Montana, as listed by the Montana Board of Nursing. These schools vary with regards to tuition fees, course offerings, and pass rates, so it is worth shopping around. The Montana Board of Nursing also offers a good resource in their data on student pass rates by program, a good starting point in your search for an appropriate nursing education program.
Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in Montana
Determining which Montana nursing school best fits your needs can seem daunting, particularly in such a widespread state where your ideal campus might not be nearby. The following tips can help you narrow down your options for choosing your nursing school:
- Peruse the Montana Board of Nursing site.[1] This will give you extensive information on traditional nursing school programs in Montana, including location, contact information, and pass rates.
- Know your timeline. Do you want to enroll in an accelerated program or one that allows you to take only one or two classes at a time?
- Look into various costs. Compare tuition, books, equipment, and other fees. Don’t forget to take into account transportation costs such as parking, gas, or bus fare.
- Research the advantages of online nursing schools.
Advantages of Online Nursing Programs
In a state as large as Montana, distance education are especially useful. Here are some advantages to enrolling in an distance education program.
- No commute. Study for your degree when and where you please.
- Lower cost. Without having to travel to a campus, you’ll save on gas and other transportation costs.
- More communication. Through distance education, you will be in continual contact with your peers and instructors. This makes for a great opportunity to improve your written communication skills.
Career Outlook for Registered Nurses in Montana
The nursing field is anticipated to grow steadily for the coming years. Doctors’ offices and clinics are particularly expected to exhibit a need for registered nurses, particularly at the entry level.[2] Montana reports having 859 registered nurses per 100,000 population, a number that falls in-line with the 860 average throughout the United States.[3] This comparatively low number of nurses within Montana may depict a need for registered nurses within the state.
Earnings of Registered Nurses in Montana
Whether you enter a traditional or online nursing program in Montana, it is helpful to know how much you can expect to earn as a registered nurse within the state. Because Montana is an expansive state, its registered nurses report earnings that vary slightly depending upon the location within the state. This is, understandably, due to proximity to major cities and healthcare facilities where the cost of living is higher as are the job requirements of the nurses.
Montana’s registered nurses earn an annual median income that ranges from $50,230 in the Central Montana nonmetropolitan area to $60,490 in Billings, Montana.[4] Great Falls, Montana also reports a high wage for the state at $58,210.[4] When you compare even the lowest of these figures to the reported $42,778 annual median income for the entire state of Montana, you can see that earning a nursing degree in Montana is a lucrative career choice.[5]
Cities in Montana, MT Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs: Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon. Nursing Degrees and Schools in Montana can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Montana, MT. Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities:
Billings, Missoula, Great Falls, Bozeman
[1] Montana Board of Nursing
[2] Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurse Overview
[3] State Health Facts: Registered Nurses per 100,000 Population: Montana
[4] Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurse Earnings in Montana
[5] State Health Facts Montana Facts-At-A-Glance
Cities in Montana, MT with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations: In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs. Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree. The following cities in Montana, MT may have a near campus: Butte-Silver Bow, Helena, Kalispell