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Mississippi, MS - RN to BSN Nursing School Program

RN to BSN education programs in Mississippi are specifically targeted at currently employed RNs who want to become more educated without having to give up their job. Online course offerings, evening classes, and NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams, which let students skip the courses which cover skills and knowledge they have already acquired through work experience and on the job training, all help nurses upgrade to a BSN as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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To apply to an RN to BSN program, one must submit transcripts from previous RN training, as well as employer recommendations and any records of past volunteer experience, all of which are considered by a college of nursing for acceptance. Once enrolled, course work centers upon advanced theory, practice and research as it applies to nursing, while also offering electives and study in such specialized topics as pharmaceutical research, public health programming, and more. Graduation does not require a final test, just completion of course work with satisfactory grades, often a minimum GPA of 2.5. Students leave the program with a depth and breadth of knowledge that can lead to advanced opportunities within their current workplace, new jobs outside of a health care setting, and the possibility of continuing to pursue their studies at a graduate level and become an Advanced Practice Nurse, receive a Master’s degree, and beyond.