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Massachusetts, MA | CNA Certification Training Programs

Depending on your goals and qualifications to meet the CNA requirements in Massachusetts, MA you may want to answer a few basic questions before you proceed on the right education path. 

  1. Please Choose Your Highest Level of Education

Like most states, the demand for CNAs in Massachusetts is high as there is a shortage of nursing staff. This means opportunities for CNAs, also known as “Nurse Aides” in Massachusetts, are plentiful. Often, Certified Nursing Assistants in the state will be employed in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes, as well as hospitals and clinics. Full time Certified Nursing Assistants in Massachusetts make well above the national average at around $25,000 to $31,000 per year (according to plus benefits. With growing health care needs, Massachusetts is a good place to start a career in the health sector as a Certified Nursing Assistant.

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CNA Training in Massachusetts

CNA training in Massachusetts must be approved by the Office of Health and Human Services and is widely available. A high school diploma or GED is not required to enroll. Courses in the state consist of a minimum of 75 hours of training, with a minimum of 16 hours of supervised hands-on experience. However, training courses in the state sometimes run longer to ensure optimal training is achieved. Courses typically cost around $800.

CNA License in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Red Cross handles CNA certification testing within the state. After completing an approved training program, The Massachusetts CNA test, known as the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation (NACE), consists of a two-part test including a written examination of 60 multiple-choice questions and a skills demonstration test, for which the Red Cross provides practice exams and preparation instructions . The NACE costs $93. Once one has successfully passed the CNA exam and registered with the Massachusetts CNA registry, certification must be renewed every two years with proof of at least eight hours of employment as a Certified Nursing Assistant over the same time period.

CNA Courses in Massachusetts

There are many CNA courses in Massachusetts and a great place to start is with the American Red Cross, who also handle certification in the state . If they cannot provide a training program that suits your schedule, they will certainly know who can.