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Maryland, MD | RN to BSN Nursing School Program

An RN to BSN education program in Maryland is designed for currently working Registered Nurses who wish to expand their knowledge and career opportunities while continuing to work. Flexible class schedules and online delivery are common, and it is possible to expedite education through NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams. Management-related course work, theoretical knowledge, and in-depth study of specialized topics are all part of the program. This new knowledge can lead to promotions within a current workplace and new opportunities in traditional health care settings, public health departments, and even the private sphere.

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Previous grades are important in applying for a Maryland RN to BSN education program. However, work experience, volunteer experience and employer references also play a role in applying. Once accepted, courses range from advanced theory of nursing, health research, and advanced practices are complemented by studies in things like advanced microbiology, abnormal psychology, pharmacology, third world health and more. Upon graduation, which is based on a minimum graduating GPA—there is no final test like an NCLEX—a nurse is sure to have more opportunities both within their current workplace and outside of it and a greater understanding of the world of nursing and health care.