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Maryland, MD | LPN to BSN Nursing School Program

Why Do an LPN to BSN in Maryland?

An LPN to BSN education program in Maryland leads to both a Bachelor’s Degree and an RN license. These two new distinctions can open up a plethora of new job opportunities, and vastly increase a nurse’s salary—the average salary for an RN in Maryland is up to fifty percent higher than an LPNs average salary in the state, and with a BSN, wages are often towards the higher end of the RN pay scale.

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How to Do an LPN to BSN in Maryland

Acceptance into a three-year LPN to BSN program in Maryland is determined based on grades in prior training as well as work experience and employer recommendations. The program consists primarily of core nursing classes which focus on nursing practice, theory, and management. In addition, a wide range of subcategories within the nursing field such as maternity, elder care, and mental health are considered, alongside general studies in biology, statistics, psychology and other liberal arts classes like sociology of health.

An LPN to BSN program in Maryland culminates with the NCLEX-RN, or the Registered Nurse Licensure Examination. It requires application to the Maryland Board of Nursing, including a criminal background check, before one can take the test through Pearson Vue at a cost of $200. Successful graduates leave the program as a licensed Registered Nurse with a BSN and newfound knowledge and abilities which make it easy to transition to positions of greater responsibility, diversity, and pay.