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Maine, ME - LPN to BSN Nursing School Program

Why Do an LPN to BSN in Maine?

An LPN to BSN may take three years, but it can offer great rewards. Both a Bachelor’s Degree and an RN license come out of the program, and this, in turn, opens up a plethora of new job opportunities, and vastly increases earning potential—in Maine, RNs average close to $20,000 more per year than LPNs, and RNs with a BSN often find themselves closer to the top of the RN pay scale.

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How to Do an LPN to BSN in Maine

To gain acceptance to an LPN to BSN program in Maine, grades in prior training are important, but work experience and employer recommendations also make a difference. Once accepted, the program lasts around three years. Arts and sciences courses in psychology, sociology, biology and more complement core nursing classes which focus on nursing practice, theory, and management. In addition, a wide range of subcategories within the nursing field such as maternity, elder care, and mental health are considered.

While there is no final test for a Bachelor’s degree, an LPN to BSN program does finish with the NCLEX-RN, or the Registered Nurse Licensure Examination. It costs $75 to apply for the test via the Maine State Board of Nursing, and $200 to take it via Pearson Vue. Successful graduates leave the program with a BSN, a Registered Nurse license, and newfound knowledge and abilities which make it easy to transition to positions of greater responsibility, diversity, and pay.