< How to Become a Nurse in Kansas, KS
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How to Become a Nurse in Kansas, KS

Aspiring professional nurses in Kansas usually choose one of two Registered Nurse (RN) education routes: a four year Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSN), or a two-year Associate Degree, Nursing (ADN). For those looking for a quicker route, there is also the option of a one year Licensed Professional Nurse (LPN) diploma program, a lower level of professional nurse licensure, which can also be achieved through an early-exit option from one of the two aforementioned nursing education streams.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

To become a Registered Nurse, one must first complete around one semester of prerequisite courses in undergraduate college courses such as intro Biology, Math, and English. Then, they must apply to a college of nursing—entry is competitive, and it is advisable to do well in prerequisites to be accepted.

Once accepted, the first year of studies focuses heavily upon essential patient care knowledge and practices. The second year then delves into bigger picture issues such as nurse management and nursing theory, while continuing to build their patient care skills. And when ADNs graduate, BSNs continue to learn advanced management, theory and care, while also taking a handful of elective classes that allow them to prepare for a more specialized career.

Upon graduation, both ADN and BSN students take the NCLEX-RN, a national examination that is the last step to nursing licensure—LPN student take the NCLEX-PN. Close to 9 out of 10 graduating students pass the test, although it can vary from program to program, and are ready to enter the workforce and become a nurse in Kansas.
Further Kansas Nursing Information

If you are looking for more information on becoming a nurse in Kansas, visit our Kansas state nursing page, which includes detailed discussion of the various levels of nursing, job outlook, wages, duties, transitional training, and much more.