Nursing Schools in Iowa, IA
Currently, there are 18 LPN and ADN programs approved by the Iowa State Board of Nursing, along with 19 approved baccalaureate programs, including distance education and online offerings. The Board of Nursing lists these schools alphabetically on their site, a great resource for locating programs in your area. It is a smart move to consider several programs before applying—entry requirements, cost, and pass rates vary from school to school—the closest one isn’t always the best.
Iowa Nursing Requirements
Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in Iowa
When you begin narrowing down your options for nursing schools in Iowa, be sure to compare the schools’ pass rates, tuition and other fees, financial aid opportunities. It is also helpful to ask others who have been through the various programs and ask what they enjoyed or didn’t like about the school. While you are researching campus-based nursing programs, it is also helpful to keep in mind that there are numerous accredited schools from Iowa. The more you research, the more you will discover that pursuing an online nursing degree has many benefits that a traditional program cannot offer.
Advantages of Online Nursing Programs
There once was a time when individuals couldn’t pursue a degree because jobs and family prevented them from adhering to a traditional classroom schedule. Thanks to technology, it is possible to earn an online nursing degree and even an advanced education.
The flexibility of online programs means you can keep your job and still spend time with family, while pursuing your education. It takes focus and self-determination, but it can be done if you are motivated to make it work.
There are cost-savings involved in online nursing programs. Because you won’t have to drive to and from a campus every day, you’ll save on gas or bus fare. You’ll also save money that you might otherwise spend on-campus for lunches, snacks, and coffee. These seemingly small expenses add up quickly.
You will be able to communicate regularly with classmates and instructors in your online nursing courses. This will allow you to polish up on your written communication skills, a beneficial skill to possess in the field.
Career Expectations For Nurses in Iowa
As a whole, the nursing occupation is increasing and expected to continue doing so for the foreseeable future. Part of the reason behind this increase is the need to fill current positions as nurses retire, relocate, or advance within their careers. [1] For Iowa, a state that boasts 1,053 registered nurses per 100,000 population, this prediction could very well come to fruition.[2]
Registered nurses in Iowa earn an annual median income that is comparable to the $50,422 annual median income throughout the state.[3] Depending upon the area within the state, Iowa’s registered nurses earn an annual median income that ranges from $44,970 to $56,640.[4]
Cities in Iowa, IA Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs: Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon. Nursing Degrees and Schools in Iowa can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Iowa, IA. Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities:Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Sioux City, Waterloo, Iowa City, Coucil Bluffs, Ames, Dubuque, West Des Moines, Ankeny, Urbandale, Cedar Falls, Marion, Bettendorf
[1] Registered Nurse Overview
[2] Registered Nurses per 100,000 Population: Iowa
[3] Iowa Earnings Overview
Cities in Iowa, IA with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations: In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs. Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree. The following cities in Iowa, IA may have a near campus:Mason City, Marshalltown, Clinton, Burlington, Fort Dodge, Ottumwa, Muscatine, Coralville, Johnston, Clive, Newton