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Iowa, IA | LPN to RN Nursing School Program

Why Take an LPN to RN Program in Iowa?

The most obvious reason to take an LPN to RN education program in Iowa is the wage increase: RNs make one and a half times as much as LPNs. Additionally, RNs have a more dynamic range of duties: they are the direct superiors to LPNs and manage the needs of multiple patients at a time, responding to their changing needs. Because the program only takes one year to complete, this is an attractive move for working LPNs who wish to take their nursing career further.

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How to Do a LPN to RN Program in Iowa

LPN to RN education programs in Iowa take around a year to complete, and are widely available as online, allowing for flexible scheduling, as well as in a more traditional classroom setting. Getting into a program mostly depends on prior performance in LPN training. Other requirements include current licensure as a Practical Nurse and usually a year’s experience on the job.

It takes about a year to finish an LPN to RN education program in Iowa. After taking courses that advance their knowledge in theory and practice of nursing, students finish the program by taking the National Council Licensure Examination, Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN). The NCLEX-RN costs $200 to take through Pearson Vue, and an additional $143 is paid to the Iowa Board of Nursing as a $93 application fee and $50 fee for a criminal background check. Once the test has been passed—as is the case for 85 percent of first time applicants—an LPN to RN student usually leaves with an Associate Degree of Nursing, or ADN, as well. Indeed, graduates of an LPN to RN program often add two new distinctions for their resume and greatly improve their work prospects.