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Indiana, IN | RN to BSN Nursing School Program

The main reason to take an Indiana RN to BSN education program in to upgrade your education while remaining in the work force. Evening classes and online course offerings allow students to complete the program at convenient times and it is possible to speed up the process through NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams, which analyze current knowledge and ability and allow students to skip courses that cover skills and knowledge they have already picked up in the workplace.

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Application begins with ensuring your RN license is current. Then, one must apply for general studies and, finally, a college of nursing’s RN to BSN program. Keep in mind that entry is competitive, mostly based on grades in previous formal education.

Once begun, studies focus on nursing practice, research and theory at a more advanced level. In addition, some electives in specialized areas of study such as health care law, community health programming, and even things like bioterrorism are available. There is no final test, but usually a minimum graduating GPA, which can be as low as a C average, or as high as a B average—it varies by program. Students graduate with increased knowledge and skills, and, if their grades are good enough, the opportunity to continue to graduate studies and become an Advanced Practice Nurse.