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Illinois, IL | LPN Nursing Program Information

The road to licensure as a Practical Nurse in Illinois includes graduating from of a state approved LPN program, which typically takes about a year of full time study and is widely available through universities, colleges, and private institutions. Applying to an LPN program almost always requires prerequisites from general studies undergraduate courses and one must first be accepted into general studies before applying to an LPN program. Typically, about ten pre-nursing courses over 30 credit hours are required for application into an LPN program. The courses cover both scientific topics such as human anatomy and microbiology, as well as courses from the liberal arts such as English and sociology.

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At all LPN schools, there is a standard for minimum grade point average in prerequisite courses, which can be as low as a C average or a 2.5 GPA. But meeting minimum requirements will not always guarantee acceptance—with many applicants for nursing programs in Illinois, a ranking system is established at most schools of nursing that gives preference to those applicants with higher scores in prerequisite courses.

Licensed Practical Nurse programs require around one year of study and the completion of 60 credit hours of course work. In some cases, licensure is possible after the first year of a two-year Associate Degree of Nursing program, while other schools offer a stand-alone Licensed Practical Nurse Program. Whether pursuing an ADN or simply an LPN certificate, students must take and pass the National Counsel Licensing Examination-Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN). It is important to note that one must not have a criminal record to become an LPN in Illinois and therefore a criminal background check and fingerprinting are necessary before examination, which must be completed by the Illinois State Police. The Illinois Board of Nursing charges a $91 examination fee and the exam itself costs $200.

Once a student successfully completes the NCLEX-PN they are eligible to work as an LPN in Illinois. Once employed, an LPN license must be renewed every two years—on January 31 of odd numbered years—which carries a $60 fee.

Passing the NCLEX-PN and receiving your license to practice can lead to a rewarding career in itself, but can also be the first step along a path to licensure as a Registered Nurse and a Bachelor of Science, Nursing.