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Idaho, ID | LPN to BSN Nursing School Program

Why Do an LPN to BSN in Idaho?

In addition to the promise of significantly higher wages, an LPN to BSN program in Idaho opens up many new work opportunities and the opportunity to pursue Advanced Practice Nursing through post-graduate study. A Bachelor of Science, Nursing, allows enough time to pursue advanced theory and practice of nursing and specific areas of interest that are not within the realm of 2-3 year nursing programs or accelerated RN training—broader topics in the humanities such as psychology and sociology of nursing are possible electives, as are advanced studies in pharmacology and more. Jobs open up both within and beyond the sphere of direct health care settings and a nurses’ responsibility and range of tasks will provide for a much more interesting workplace.

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How to Do an LPN to BSN in Idaho

It takes two or three years to get through an LPN to BSN in Idaho. First, one must be accepted into a school for general studies, and then subsequently apply to that school’s college of nursing. Once accepted, a diverse range of course offerings largely focusing on advancing knowledge directly related to nursing practice, theory and research, but can include outside courses of interest like third world development and abnormal psychology. It also prepares students for the NCLEX-RN and becoming licensed as a Registered Nurse, which carries a $90 application fee and $200 testing fee, the final step to becoming an RN and also receiving a BSN—two distinctions that, when re-entering the work force, set students clearly apart from their less-accredited peers.