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Nursing Schools in Florida, FL

There are currently 90 state approved RN schools and almost 100 LPN programs in Florida as listed by the Florida Board of Nursing, who also provides a list of pass rates according to school—key in deciding on where you choose to study. From Tampa Bay to Tallahassee, there will be a nursing school that suits your needs.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in Florida

In a large state such as Florida, there are many opportunities for pursuing a degree in healthcare. Unfortunately, there also potentially many miles that could separate you from the campuses you want to attend. That is where online courses come in. Florida has more than fifty different online nursing programs available to suit your need for obtaining a degree.

Advantages of Online Nursing Courses
Pursuing a nursing degree online requires a great deal of self-motivation and focus, but all of the hard work turns into an incredible feeling of accomplishment in the end. Other advantages to taking nursing classes online include:

  • Flexibility. Online coursework is outlined by the instructor and it is up to the student to meet the deadlines. Beyond that, there is a great deal of flexibility as far as when you can study, where you study, and even where you are when you submit assignments. For well-disciplined students, this means that jobs don’t need to be abandoned and vacations need not be sacrificed because of having to go to class.
  • Cost. It doesn’t cost anything to transport yourself to your desk and open up your computer to begin class. With online programs, you don’t have to worry about traffic, bus schedules, or parking, which saves a considerable amount in gas and other transportation fees. In addition, some nursing courses can be taken one at a time, which means not having to pay for several classes each quarter, an expensive feat for most.
  • Unique Communication. Online nursing classes often require students to participate in class discussions that take place within the “walls” of the online classroom. This creates a unique opportunity to communicate from people all over Florida and, potentially, the nation. It also challenges students to learn to communicate effectively by relying solely on words, because of the absence facial cues and expressions.

Selecting an Online Nursing Program
Al l online nursing programs are perfect for every individual. Where one online nursing school may be an ideal match for one student, it might not work at all for another. There are several factors to consider when selecting an online nursing school:

  • Time. Research whether the online nursing degree program is set at an accelerated pace or not. For some students, accelerated track programs are ideal: They want to take in all of the information and courses quickly, so they can get into their careers sooner than later. For others, especially those who are juggling jobs and families, accelerated courses may be more challenging to keep up with.

Also, determine if the courses you need to complete a nursing degree are offered when you need to take them. Not all courses are offered every quarter or semester, and it is helpful to know when you can expect to take them.

  • Equipment. Ensure that you have the computer, software, internet access, and access to the textbooks required for the class. If any of these factors are unreliable, such as your internet connection, be sure to have a backup plan. You don’t want to scramble to find Wi-Fi access while you’re in the middle of a timed exam.
  • Prerequisites. Research the required courses and/or degrees before applying to a school. Fulfill any required courses before applying, to save yourself time, headache, and the unnecessary cost of extra application fees.

Online Nursing Degrees
Florida offers degree programs from pre-licensure all the way to PhD in nursing. The following degree programs are available through nursing schools from Florida:

  • Associate’s Degree in Nursing. Following completion of this two-year course, students sit for the NCLEX, a national nursing certification exam. After passing the NCLEX, students are granted their registered nursing license.
  • Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN). This nursing program follows the associate’s degree and takes an additional two years to complete.
  • Masters of Science in Nursing. The MSN program varies, depending upon the specialty chosen by the student. For those pursuing Family Nurse Practitioner or Pediatric Nurse Practitioner specialties, this program takes three years, beyond the BSN and Associate’s degrees.
  • PhD and other Graduate Nursing Programs. These nursing degrees also vary upon the specialty being pursued, but generally take an additional two-to-three years to complete.

Career Expectations For Nurses in Florida

The healthcare field is continually expanding, particularly as technology allows for more patients to be cared for and more serious medical cases to be taken on. In a state such as Florida, where there are reportedly 842 nurses per 100,000 population, it is likely that the nursing field will continue to be in demand as nurses retire, relocate and advance within their profession.

In Florida, registered nurses earn an annual median income of $47,460 to $67,950[1], depending upon the location within the state. In addition, nurses who earned in the 90th percentile, likely nurse practitioners and other higher-certified registered nurses, earned between $64,910 and $91,820[1]. Compared to $45,897, the median income of the entire state, these wages are comparable to the skill and certification required of the nursing field. [1]

Cities in Florida, FL Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs:  Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon.  Nursing Degrees and Schools in Florida can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Florida, FL.  Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities: Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, Hialeah, Tallahassee, Fort Lauderdale, Port St. Lucia, Pembroke Pines, Cape Coral, Hollywood, Gainesville, Miramar, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Miami Gardens, Brandon, Palm Bay, West Palm Beach, Pompano Beach, Spring Hill, Lakeland, Davie, Miami Beach, Lehigh Acres, Deltona. Cities in Florida, FL with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations:  In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs.  Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree.