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Colorado, CO - LPN to BSN Nursing School Program

Why Do an LPN to BSN in Colorado?

Simply put, an LPN to BSN in Colorado means higher wages and greatly improved career opportunities. While LPN training provides nurses with essential skills, a BSN provides specialized knowledge that opens up a plethora of job opportunities both within and outside of a traditional health care setting and allows a nurse to pursue a career that is directly based on their interests, whether they lie in patient care, research, education or beyond. Private contracts, managerial positions and more become a reality with a BSN, allowing nurses to pursue a job that best fits their interests upon completion. Add to that the fact that RNs in Colorado average around $63,000 per year, and those with BSNs often wind up at the higher end of the pay scale, and an LPN to BSN program makes sense.

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How to Do an LPN to BSN in Colorado

It takes 2 to 3 years to complete a Colorado LPN to BSN, and the course work can be completed via distance education, night classes, or during normal school hours. It prepares students for the Registered Nurse licensing examination, the NCLEX-RN, but also delves further into advanced topics of study like nursing theory, clinical study, and other specialized topics such as legal issues in health care and advanced pharmacology. As with all nursing training, there are some required general studies courses like math, physiology, biology and psychology, as well. Indeed, it is through the extra time allotted to a BSN that an LPN can pursue the areas of nursing that they find the most interesting towards an enjoyable and personally gratifying career path.

LPN Job and Salary Information for Colorado

An LPN to BSN program leads to licensure as a Registered Nurse via the NCLEX-RN. It costs $88 to apply for examination to the Colorado Board of Nursing, and $200 to take the test through the national exam administrators Pearson Vue. And once the program has been successfully completed, a Colorado RN with a BSN is ready to enter a world of enhanced responsibility, standing in the workplace, and greatly increased earning potential. Careers in the private and public sector, both within and outside of traditional health care settings become much more accessible, and RNs in cities average $63,000 per year (according to Colorado, with BSNs typically making more than ADN-equipped RNs.