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How to Become a Nurse in Colorado, CO


Nursing is one of the fastest growing professions in the USA. With good wages, plenty of jobs, and a dynamic workplace, Registered Nurse (RN) training in Colorado can take as little as two years, and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) education programs can be completed in just one year. Indeed, becoming a nurse in Colorado is a very attractive pursuit.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Colorado Nursing Prerequisites

Before applying to a Colorado Nursing training program, one must complete a handful of prerequisite courses in introductory-level college topics, like chemistry, physiology, and English. The number of courses required varies from program to program, and some LPN programs are accessible straight out of high school with good grades, while RN education in Colorado usually requires at least 15 credit hours of undergraduate study.

Colorado Nursing Education

Colorado LPN education programs generally last about a year and teach a broad range of nursing skills from patient care from both a physiological and psychological perspective, to leadership principles. RN training is a little more complex, with two options to choose from: a two year Associate Degree, Nursing (ADN) or a four year Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSN). While the additional two years may seem like a lot, keep in mind that a BSN provides time to explore advanced nursing theory, research principles, and specialized topics in nursing from pharmacology to specific illnesses or patient groups, such as children or the elderly—far beyond the patient care, leadership and management principles afforded by an ADN nursing degree.

Colorado Nursing Certification

Becoming certified as a nurse in Colorado is complete after passing the NCLEX exam. There are both RN and LPN versions, and upwards of 85 percent of graduating Colorado nursing students pass, although some programs have better passing rates than others. A comprehensive test, it ensures that graduates of a Colorado nursing education program are equipped with all the knowledge they will need to advance and prosper in a health care setting.

In Depth Colorado Nursing Information

To learn more about Colorado nursing visit our in depth Colorado nursing page, which covers salaries, prospective jobs, LPN to RN training, LPN to BSN training, RN to BSN training, and much, much more.