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Arizona, AZ - LPN Nursing Program Information

How to Become an LPN in Arizona

There are many applicants for nursing programs in Arizona and entry is competitive based on grades. The best way to ensure acceptance is through getting good grades in prerequisite courses. Around 30 credit hours of coursework must be completed just to apply, in topics like biology, chemistry, math, statistics and psychology, and grades in these courses are often the most important factor in deciding who gets into the best programs.

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LPN programs in Arizona typically take around a year to complete. Available at private institutions like hospitals and clinics, as well as colleges and universities, not all programs have the same entrance requirements, so it is important to select a school where you have a reasonable chance of getting into the school of nursing. Once accepted, programs in Licensed Practical Nursing take around a year to complete. The quickest way to become licensed is through a diploma program, but it is also possible to take the National Counsel Licensing Examination-Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN) after the first year of an Associate Degree, Nursing. In addition to a $200 examination fee paid to national administrators Pearson Vue, the Arizona Board of Nursing requires an application fee of $300 and a criminal record check and fingerprinting, which costs $50. If you have a criminal record, it is best to check with your program of choice to see if the charges may interfere with your ability to become licensed.

Once a student has received their official passing results from the Arizona Board of Nursing, they are eligible to begin working as a Licensed Practical Nurse in Arizona. Renewal happens every two years on even numbered years and costs $160.

Arizona LPN Jobs: Salary, Hours and Duties

Finding a job as an LPN in Arizona is not very difficult—with an aging population, the demand continues to increases for nurses in the state. Around 60 percent of nurses there still work in hospitals, but a growing number are finding employment in physician’s offices, nursing homes, and other private institutions. Regardless of where they work, salaries for Arizona LPNs average around $40,000 per year (according to, plus additional benefits like health and dental care.

The usual duties for LPNs in Arizona involve direct patient care under the supervision of doctors and Registered Nurses, where they monitor patients, administer medicine, provide emotional support for the patients and their families and more. They may also be responsible for other types of bedside care such as feeding, bathing, collecting samples and maintaining medical equipment. Because LPN’s work directly with patients, they must also be emotionally prepared to help people through hardship—an important part of any patient care work.

A typical work week for an Arizona LPN requires around 40 hours on the job, but they may be asked to work atypical hours such as nights, swing shifts and split shifts. Although this isn’t ideal for everyone, it may be advantageous for nurses who appreciate a flexible schedule due to other.