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Arizona, AZ - LPN to BSN Nursing School Program

Why Do an LPN to BSN in Arizona?

An LPN to BSN in Arizona can lead to diverse career opportunities and substantially higher earning potential. While LPN training provides nurses with essential skills, a BSN provides specialized knowledge that opens up a plethora of job opportunities both within and outside of a traditional health care setting and allows a nurse to pursue a career that is directly based on their interests, whether they lie in patient care, research, education or beyond. Private sector jobs, management positions, and more become available to a BSN, both vastly increasing salary potential, and also allowing students to follow personal interests both within their education and when they re-enter the work force. Add to that the fact that RNs average around $65,000 per year, and those with BSNs often wind up at the higher end of the pay scale, and an LPN to BSN program becomes an attractive option.

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How to Do an LPN to BSN in Arizona

It takes around 2.5 to 3 years of full time study to complete an LPN to BSN in Arizona, which can be completed at night, or, in some cases, online. And if full time study is not an option, it is also possible to take courses part time. A BSN also includes preparation for the Registered Nurse licensing examination, the NCLEX-RN. Studies include general education courses like English and statistics, and science courses like physiology. However, the majority of the program tackles advanced nursing-specific topics education in such areas as nursing theory and clinical study, as well as offering the option for such specialized courses as maternal care, child care, radiology, legal issues in health care, third world nursing and more. Indeed, it is through the extra time allotted to a BSN that an LPN can pursue the areas of nursing that they find the most interesting towards an enjoyable and personally gratifying career path.

An LPN to BSN program leads to licensure as a Registered Nurse via the NCLEX-RN. It costs $350 to take the apply for the test and get fingerprinted, paid to the Arizona Board of Nursing , followed by a $200 examination fee, which is paid to exam administrators Pearson Vue. After the test has been passed, graduates open the door to greatly increased earning potential. RNs average close to $65,000 per year (according to in Arizona, and for RNs with a BSN, careers in the private and public sector, both within and outside of traditional health care settings become much more accessible.