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Wyoming, WY - RN to BSN Nursing School Program

Wyoming RN to BSN programs are designed to allow Registered Nurses continue to work at the same time as they further their education. They can be done during the evening and/or through distance education, and can be completed in as little as a year thanks to NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams. These standardized exams test current ability and knowledge and then place students based on their scores, allowing them to skip certain classes in some cases.

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Getting into an RN to BSN program is similar to applying to any other nursing school, with minimum GPA requirements and, of course, a current RN being necessary. Students take a diverse array of courses designed to prepare them for management positions and, if they choose, work beyond a direct patient care setting. They don’t have a cumulative final test, but they do have minimum GPA requirements, usually around a C average.

Once the program has been completed, management skills offer the opportunity for advancement in current occupational settings, and research skills open doors in the private sector if a nurse wishes to move beyond their current job after completing an RN to BSN.