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Nursing Schools and Degrees in Virginia, VA

There are currently 78 state-approved LPN schools in Virginia and 74 RN schools, from Danville to Virginia Beach. The Virginia Board of Nursing provides a complete and up to date list of the programs, organized by degree, as well as a list of pass rates organized by school—key in deciding on where you choose to study. From diploma programs to full-fledged BSN programs and beyond, there should be a nursing school in Virginia that suits your needs.

Sponsored Schools

*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nursing Schools Through Online Degree Programs in Virginia

The first task in searching for nursing schools in Virginia is to access the state’s nursing board for the most current list of accredited schools. This will provide you with more than enough options to choose from for your nursing degree education. The next step involves narrowing those options down. Fortunately, with a few steps, you’ll find the Virginia nursing school that best fits your needs.

Advantages of Online Nursing Courses
In today’s busy world, online education has become one of the most popular ways to earn a nursing degree. There are many unique factors of online courses that make them attractive for many students.

  • Convenience. Online nursing courses offer the convenience of studying whenever and wherever you please. This could mean squeezing in an online discussion during a break at work or while sitting in pajamas in the morning. Either way, you choose the best way to attend your class.
  • Flexibility. In addition to studying whenever and wherever you please, you can choose your own timeline for completing the courses. Distance programs are as flexible as you want to make them. If you choose to enroll in several courses at a time, you can. If you’d rather pursue your degree at a slower pace, that’s okay, too.
  • Cost. Without the demands of commuting to and from a traditional college, you will save a significant amount of money on gas, parking, and other transportation fees. And, since time is money, you’ll also save because you won’t waste precious study hours sitting in traffic or waiting for the bus.
  • Independence. One major difference between online courses and traditional nursing programs is the ability to focus on the areas of the course that you need the most training in and skim over the topics that you already possess an expert knowledge in. This is especially true for nurses who are taking distance courses to advance their degrees.

Selecting an Online Nursing Program
There is an online nursing program for nearly every student. To save time and money, it is important to know how to begin when selecting an online nursing program.

  • Know What to Expect. Before enrolling in a program, ask friends and family who work in the healthcare field about their job requirements. Occasionally, you can shadow a professional on the job. This will afford you a real-life glimpse into the nursing career that you hope to pursue. In addition, it shows initiative and determination which are helpful to prove when applying for advanced nursing degrees.
  • Compile All Official Transcripts. When you apply for a nursing school, you will need official copies of all transcripts, from high school through college. It can take some time to receive these, so request them early on in your online nursing program selection process.
  • Fulfill Prerequisites. Research which courses are required before you apply for an online nursing program. If you have not fulfilled the prerequisites, it will likely cost you time and money and cause you to have to reapply after the prerequisites have been fulfilled.
  • Narrow Down Options. Determine which factors are most important for your education. Does the school offer scholarships and/or financial aid? Are there opportunities for choosing an accelerated track or earning a nursing degree over a longer period of time? Which healthcare facilities are affiliated with the school, in the case of hands-on training requirements?
  •  Apply. Select one or two of your favorite schools and fill out the application. This is mostly completed online and is fairly straightforward. After being accepted, you will officially be an online nursing student!

Career Expectations for Nurses in Virginia

The prevalence of online nursing degrees is only one way that technology has changed the face of the healthcare field. Reports show that the healthcare field, and the registered nursing occupation in particular, is expected to expand significantly in the coming years due, in large part, to advances in technology.[1] The registered nursing jobs that are expected to increase the most rapidly are those in doctors’ offices as well as home healthcare services.[1]

This job outlook is likely true for the state of Virginia. With 775 nurses per 100,000 population,[2] there are many registered nursing jobs that will need to be filled as current Virginia nurses retire, relocate, or advance within their careers. Registered nurses in Virginia earn an annual median wage that ranges from $47,040 to $73,550.[3] These figures vary because of the cost of living and location of healthcare facilities within various areas of the state. The annual median income of the state of Virginia is $61,151, a good comparison figure when deciding where in the state to pursue a nursing occupation.[4]

Cities in Virginia, VA Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs:  Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon.  Nursing Degrees and Schools in Virginia can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Virginia, VA.  Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities: Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Arlington, Richmond, Newport News, Alexandria, Hampton, Roanoke, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Lynchburg, Centreville, Dale City, Reston, Harrisonburg, McLean, Tuckahoe, Ashburn, Charlottesville, Danville, Blacksburg


[1] Registered Nurse Job Outlook
[2] Virginia Registered Nurses per 100,000 Population
[3] Registered Nurse Earnings in Virginia
[4] Virginia State Overview




Cities in Virginia, VA with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations:  In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs.  Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree.  The following cities in Virginia, VA may have a near campus: Leesburg, Lake Ridge, Burke, Annandale, Manassas, Mechanicsville, Linton Hall, Marumsco, Oakton, Petersburg, Springfield, Fair Oaks, West Falls Church, Sterling, Winchester, Cave Spring, Salem, Short Pump, Fredericksburg, South Riding, Staunton, Bailey’s Crossroads, Herndon, Chantilly, Lincolnia, Hopewell, Fairfax, West Springfield, Christiansburg, Waynesboro, Chester, Woodlawn, Rose Hill, Tysons Corner