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Virginia, VA | CNA Certification Training Programs

With increasing needs for entry-level health care professionals, CNA’s—also known as “Certified Nurse Aides” in Virginia—are in high demand. CNA’s in the state usually work in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes and home health care settings, but also find employment in clinics and hospitals. Full time Certified Nursing Assistants in Virginia average around $23,000 (according to, which is below the US average, but usually comes with benefits. With high demand from employers and an idyllic atmosphere, Virginia is an attractive place to begin a career in the health industry as a CNA.

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Virginia CNA Training

CNA training in Virginia is regulated by the Virginia Department of Health’s Board of Nursing. Training courses must include at least 120 hours of training, split between classroom and clinical study, which is well above the national standards. In addition, there are continuing education courses that can further advance a CNA’s salary and responsibilities. As per federal law, it is possible to receive reimbursement for training and examination costs if employed as a Nurse Aide before, during, or within twelve months of completion of the program, making it very affordable to enter a health care career as a CNA.

CNA License in Virginia

CNA licenses in Virginia are regulated by Pearson Vue, who also provides practice tests and other resources for exam preparation. The test consists of both a multiple-choice component (which can be taken verbally for no extra cost) and skills test, and costs $96. Once one has successfully passed the CNA test they will be placed on the Virginia Licensed Nursing Assistant Registry. Certification must be renewed every two years with proof of at least eight hours of employment as a Certified Nursing Assistant over the same time period.

CNA Courses in Virginia

There are over 300 state-approved Certified Nursing Assistant courses in Virginia from colleges to clinics and private facilities. The Virginia Board of Nursing provides a list of approved programs, ensuring it will be easy to find a CNA training program