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Nursing Schools in Utah, UT

When searching for a nursing school, there are many state-approved programs to choose from. A good beginning is to look into pass rates in your program of choice, cost, and whether they offer courses that are of particular interest to you—curriculum can vary significantly from program to program. From Provo to Salt Lake and down to Cedar City, there are 9 Licensed Practical Nurse programs and 12 fully-approved Registered Nurse programs, with an additional 5 programs provisionally approved.

Sponsored Schools

*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in Utah

There are a number of options for pursing a nursing degree in Utah. Knowing which Utah nursing school is best for you does not have to be an all-consuming ordeal. There are a number of things to consider that will allow you to narrow down your options and find the right school that best fits your educational goals. The first thing you should decide is whether or not an online nursing program will work best for you.

Advantages of Online Nursing Programs
One popular choice among today’s busy individuals is to enroll in an online nursing program. These programs offer many of the same nursing degrees as traditional classroom-based nursing programs, but without the constraint of classroom hours and a commute. There are several advantages to enrolling in a distance program:

  • Variability. Online nursing courses are anything but rigid. As a student, you can choose when and where to study. If you have a family or are currently employed, this means not having to abandon those aspects of your life to pursue your degree.
  • Expense. The cost of attending an online school versus a traditional course can be significantly less. Because you won’t have to drive to class, you’ll save money on gas and other pricey transportation fees.
  • Interaction. Although you will do the majority of your work behind a computer screen, you will find that online programs provide you with ample interaction with all kinds of individuals. These interactions will allow you to sharpen your communication skills, an essential aspect of any successful registered nursing career.
  • Autonomy. Your ability to succeed in your courses is dependent upon how effectively you manage your time and work independently. These are difficult skills to master, but will also prove essential when you begin your career as a registered nurse.

Utah Health Facts
When you are deciding upon which area of nursing you’d like to focus on for your online nursing degree, it is helpful to know several different statistics regarding Utah’s health. For instance, Utah ranks first in the nation in births per 1,000.[1] This statistic may motivate you to pursue an online nursing degree that focuses on labor and delivery or prenatal care. Utah also ranks first in the nation for prevalence of poor mental health.[1] Another nursing career you might look into could involve work in a mental health facility.

Career Outlook and Wages for Registered Nurses in Utah
Technology has been a major factor in the fact that the demand for registered nurses is predicted to increase steadily for many years to come. This is due to the fact that technology has allowed healthcare professionals can take on more in-depth cases as well as a larger number of cases than ever before.[2]

When you are researching which online nursing degree to pursue, it is helpful to know how much you can expect to make as a registered nurse in Utah. The annual median income of registered nurses in Utah varies upon the area within the state, but ranges between $54,220 and $60,790.[3] If you are pursuing an advanced nursing degree,  it is also helpful to look into the wages of registered nurses in Utah who earned within the 90th percentile. These nurses earned between $71,390 and $80,270.[3]

As a comparison, the annual median income for the entire state of Utah is $58,722, a number that is comparable to the wages earned by most registered nurses within the state.[4]

Cities in Utah, UT Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs:  Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon.  Nursing Degrees and Schools in Utah can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Utah, UT.  Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities:Salt Lake City, West Valley City, Provo, West Jordan, Orem, Sandy, Ogden, St. George, Layton, Millcreek, Taylorsville, South Jordan, Logan, Lehi, Murray, Bountiful, Draper, Riverton, Roy, Kearns, Spanish Fork, Pleasant Grove, Cottonwood Heights

[1] Utah Health Statistic Overview
 [2] Registered Nurse Overview
[3] Registered Nurse Earnings in Utah
[4] Utah Earnings Overview




Cities in Utah, UT with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations:  In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs.  Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree.  The following cities in Utah, UT may have a near campus:Tooele, Clearfield, Springville, Cedar City, Midvale, Kaysville, Magna, American Fork, Syracuse, South Salt Lake, Herriman, Eagle Mountain, Clinton, Washington, Payson, Farmington, Brigham City, Saratoga Springs, North Ogden, South Ogden, North Salt Lake, Highland, Centerville