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South Dakota, SD | LPN Nursing Program Information

Why Take an LPN to RN Program in South Dakota?

A LPN who is currently licensed in South Dakota may wish to take their education—and with it their job prospects and earning potential—further. Registered Nurses in the state make 50 percent more per year, on average, and have a broader base of job opportunities than Licensed Practical Nurses.

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How to Take an LPN to RN Program in South Dakota

Entry is fairly competitive when it comes to LPN to RN programs in South Dakota and largely based upon grades in LPN training and references from current employers. The program takes about a year to finish and expands a nurse’s knowledge of broader management process, advanced care strategies, and some student-selected courses from general studies to further expand a nurse’s intellectual horizons.

Upon completion of course work, LPN to RN students in South Dakota take the NCLEX-RN. The test is very similar to the NCLEX-PN in terms of procedure, and is administered by the same licensing body, Pearson Vue for $200. It also requires application to the South Dakota Board of Nursing, for which the government charges $100, and a criminal background check and fingerprinting. Successful students—about 85 percent pass the test first try—receive licensure and open the door to diverse and exciting new job opportunities as a Registered Nurse.