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South Carolina, SC - RN to BSN Nursing School Program

If you are an RN in South Carolina but received licensure via a two-year diploma program or Associate’s Degree, a RN to BSN education program in South Carolina is a great way to take the next step in your nursing career. An RN to BSN degree is attractive because it offers flexible class schedules, online options, and NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams, which offer advanced placement based on knowledge acquired on the job. This means it can be completed in as little as a year, or longer while still remaining in the work force.

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Application to a South Carolina RN to BSN program requires good grades in previous training and strong workplace recommendations—not everyone is accepted as demand exceeds supply when it comes to nursing education in South Carolina. Once a student has been accepted, their studies include complex nursing practice, theory, and concepts, and some student-selected electives. Graduation does not require a final test, just a good enough graduating GPA, which can be as low as a C average, but is sometimes higher—it varies based on the graduation guidelines of the university offering the education program, as well as the college of nursing.