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RN Nursing Programs in Rhode Island - RI

How to Become an RN in Rhode Island

A two year Associate Degree, Nursing (ADN) program is one common way to become a Registered Nurse in Rhode Island. The other is the longer four year Bachelor’s Degree, Nursing (BSN). The two programs see very similar enrollment numbers. Although there is little difference in subject matter—most of the classes in both a BSN and an ADN cover nursing theory and practice—those that choose a BSN usually do so because it offers much greater opportunity for electives and specialization via the extra two years of course work. Essentially, RNs who graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree also leave school with a breadth of knowledge that allows them to apply nursing practice to a wider variety of situations and occupations, and advanced knowledge of nursing practices that can help them secure a position of more responsibility and greater pay within a health care setting.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Regardless of whether one chooses an ADN or BSN, or a two year diploma program via a hospital (there is just one in the state at the St Joseph’s School of Nursing) they take the same NCLEX-RN examination at the end of their studies. It is administered by Pearson Vue who charges $200 for the multifaceted examination. In addition, Rhode Island Board of Nurse Registration and Nursing Education requires a $130 licensure application fee before the test. These fees are not much in the grand scheme of things, and 9 out of 10 RN students pass the test on their first try and enter the Rhode Island work force as a Registered Nurse.

Registered Nurse -- RN Salary, Jobs and Duties in Rhode Island

In Rhode Island, full time RNs in cities like Providence make an average of $66,500 annually (according to plus extensive benefits. Registered Nurses in the bucolic island state mostly find employment in hospitals, but there are also jobs available in doctor’s offices and private care facilities such as retirement homes, clinics, and more. For most Registered Nurses, work typically revolves around analyzing patient health and devising a plan of action in conjunction with doctors, nursing assistants, and other health care employees. With a diverse selection of career paths, the flexibility afforded by RN licensure is attractive when compared with lesser-qualified nurses like LPNs and CNAs—not to mention the financial benefits.