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Nursing Schools in Rhode Island, RI

Rhoe Island is a small state, but still offers several options for nursing education. Specifically, there are three Bachelor of Science, Nursing programs available within the state, alongside one Associate Degree, Nursing program and one ADN program which offers an early exit for Licensed Practical Nurses. The good news is that, although small, it is a nurse license compact state, meaning there are 24 states in which the license is very easily transferable —and it is worth pursuing studies outside the home state if a program seems more suited to your needs.

Sponsored Schools

*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in Rhode Island

While you are researching nursing schools in Rhode Island, keep in mind the option to pursue your nursing degree online. There are many unique benefits to earning your degree through distance education and you can rest assured that your online nursing program adheres to the national requirements for nursing as well as those set forth by the state of Rhode Island.

Selecting an Online Nursing Program
An excellent resource for researching traditional and online nursing programs in Rhode Island is the Rhode Island Board of Nursing website.[1] There, you will find up-to-date information on getting a nursing license, fulfilling continuing education requirements, and other pertinent information surrounding the nursing community in Rhode Island. While you narrow down your nursing school options, consider these tips for selecting which one is best for you:

  • Cost. Determine the costs of tuition, classroom and equipment fees, transportation, and textbooks. Keep in mind that if you are enrolling in an online nursing program, you won’t have the transportation costs that you would in a traditional nursing program.
  • Pass rates. Research the NCLEX pass rates for the individual nursing schools in Rhode Island. This can be a good indicator as to how well you will perform in a particular nursing school.
  • Location. Determine where the nursing schools are located in relation to where you live or work. When you enroll in an online nursing program, you will be able to study and take exams from anywhere, but you will be matched with a nearby clinic to complete required clinical training hours.

Earnings for Registered Nurses in Rhode Island

Whether you decide to pursue a traditional or online nursing degree, it is nice to know how much you can expect to earn as a registered nurse in Rhode Island. Reports show that registered nurses in Rhode Island earn an annual median income that falls between $69,220 and $74,070.[2] If you are considering pursuing an advanced online nursing degree, it helps to know that the registered nurses in Rhode Island who earn in the 90th percentile bring home between $90,990 and $91,860.[2]

According to current figures, the annual median income for the state of Rhode Island is $53,584.[3] When you compare even the lowest amount earned by registered nurses in Rhode Island, it is apparent that a nursing degree provides you with a potentially lucrative career.

Cities in Rhode Island, RI Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs: Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon. Nursing Degrees and Schools in Rhode Island can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Rhode Island, RI. Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities: Providence, Warwick, Cranston, Pawtucket, East Providence

[1] Rhode Island Board of Nursing
[2] Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurse Earnings in Rhode Island
[3] State Health Facts: Facts-At-A-Glance for Rhode Island



Cities in Rhode Island, RI with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations:  In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs.  Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree.  The following cities in Rhode Island, RI may have a near campus: Woonsocket, West Warwick, Newport, Bristol, Central Falls, Westerly, Barrington