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Rhode Island, RI | LPN Nursing Program Information

How to Become an LPN in Rhode Island

Completion of prerequisite courses is required before applying to a Rhode Island LPN program, which usually requires five classes from introductory subjects such as physiology, psychology, and biology. As long as grades in these courses are good enough to get in—there are typically more applicants than spots, and therefore grades are an asset—the program takes a year to finish and focuses upon nursing techniques and hands-on practices in patient care and assessment. The National Counsel Licensing Examination-Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN) is the final step towards licensure and is the same for LPN students throughout the USA. It costs $200 to take through Pearson Vue , and the Rhode Island Board of Nurse Registration and Nursing Education requires an application with proof of completion and a licensure application fee of $90. Eighty-eight percent of nurses pass the NCLEX-PN on their first try in Rhode Island and are ready to enter the work force.

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Rhode Island Licensed Practical Nurse Jobs, Wages and Hours

In Rhode Island, the typical place for a Licensed Practical Nurse to find work is a hospital, although there may be opportunities in doctor’s offices, retirement homes, and elsewhere. Regardless of the setting, they spend most of their working hours engaged in direct patient care—keeping an eye on patient’s health, administering medication, maintaining equipment, and feeding and bathing those under their care. In cities like Providence, they make an average of $42,500 per year (according to, if working full time, and usually work outside of a 9 to 5 schedule. Indeed, swing shifts, nights and weekends are common as many patients need care at all hours of the day.