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How to Become a Nurse in Rhode Island, RI

Prospective Rhode Island nurses must start by choosing a nursing education program. While there are many options from four week CNA courses to graduate school, most choose to become Registered Nurses (RN)—they are the largest group of health care professionals in the United States, have great job outlook, and there is currently a shortage of RNs that will likely continue for years to come.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

To become a Registered Nurse, one must first complete prerequisite courses, which consist of around 5 classes in first year college studies in both the arts and sciences. Although specific colleges have specific prerequisites, they always include both an arts component (e.g. English, psychology) and a sciences component (e.g. biology, statistics).

Once prerequisites are complete, the next step is to apply to a college of nursing for either a Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSN), which takes four years, or an associate Degree, Nursing (ADN), which takes two years of full time study. While both programs provide training in patient care, assessment and nurse management, BSN students use their extra time to study more advanced techniques, theories, and research strategies in nursing, as well as to pursue a wider variety of electives and in-depth study pertaining to specific topics in nursing—health care law, radiology, and pharmacology, for example.

Upon graduation, students of both Rhode Island ADN and BSN programs take the NCLEX licensure examination, which is the last step to becoming a Rhode Island nurse. Close to ninety percent of graduating students pass the test and become Rhode Island nurses on their first try.
Further Information

If you want to learn more about how to become a nurse in Rhode Island, including job prospects, online nursing education, alternative nursing education possibilities, duties, wages, and much more, visit our Rhode Island nursing pages.