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How to Become a Nurse in Ohio, OH

There are several ways to become a nurse in Ohio. But regardless of degree, all nursing education programs require prerequisite college classes in arts and sciences like psychology, physiology, and chemistry. The number of required prerequisite course can vary by program and degree, but typically constitutes around 15-30 credit hours of study. Grades in these classes account for a large part of the acceptance process, so it is advisable to do well—entry into Ohio nursing training is competitive, and there is not enough space for all applicants.

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* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

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After prerequisites are complete and one is accepted into an Ohio nursing education program, the quickest type of nursing education, which takes roughly one year, is to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). LPNs average a salary of almost $40,000 per year in urban areas plus good benefits.

The other option for Ohio nursing education is to become a Registered Nurse (RN), and there are two different options: an Associate Degree, Nursing (ADN) and a Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSN). An ADN takes roughly two years once accepted to a college of nursing, while a BSN takes four years. The biggest difference between the two is in the level of specialization one receives throughout the course of their nursing education. Although an ADN gives students significant knowledge in patient care and management procedures, a BSN allows nurses to expand their knowledge to specialized topics like maternity, pharmacology, public health and beyond. And while the average salary for an RN in Ohio is around $65,000, those with a BSN usually move up faster and make more than an ADN-equipped Registered Nurse.

The final step to become a nurse in Ohio is to take the national NCLEX exam. There are version for both LPNs and RNs, which are intensive, comprehensive tests and ensure students are prepared to be a nurse in Ohio, and nationwide for that matter.

For more information about how to become a nurse in Ohio and the intricacies of various Ohio nursing education programs, visit our state pages.