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North Carolina, NC - RN to BSN Nursing School Program

North Carolina RN to BSN education programs specifically target working RNs who were licensed via an Associate’s Degree or diploma program and are looking to upgrade to a Bachelor’s Degree of Nursing—in the fastest way they can. Distance education, flexible class schedules, and NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenge Exams, which let students challenge courses for which they have received on the job training, allow nurses to keep working and also get their BSN done in a timely fashion—sometimes as little as one year.

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Application requires transcripts of previous grades and recommendations from a current workplace. Once accepted into an RN to BSN program, students are taught advanced practice, concepts, theories and methods of nursing, as well as allotted several classes of elective credits in topics ranging from third world health to community health programming, or stuff outside the college of nursing like sociology of health and legal issues in health care. The program is completed once all credits are obtained with a set minimum GPA, which usually amounts to a C average but can be higher in some cases, and nurses leave with newfound skills and knowledge that broadens their work opportunities and range of duties in the workplace, while also offering the possibility of pursuing post-graduate education such as Advanced Practice Nursing.