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How to Become a Nurse in Missouri, MO

Becoming a nurse in Missouri is a three step process out of high school.

Step 1: Pick a Program and Complete Prerequisites

The first step to becoming a Missouri nurse is to find a program that suits your needs, and complete the prerequisite courses. This could be a one-year Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) program, a two year Associate Degree, Nursing (ADN), or a four year Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) program. An LPN program leads to a lower level of licensure than an ADN or BSN, both of which lead to Registered Nurse (RN) licensure. Prerequisites are usually limited to the RN programs, and take around a semester to complete, focusing upon introductory college courses like math, English and biology.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Step 2: Training and Course Work

Once accepted into a nursing program, training is the second step to becoming a nurse in Missouri. The first year typically covers baseline patient care skills like administering medicine, responding to emergencies, and so forth. By the second year, students receive a solid understanding of broader theories of nursing and management skills, and those in a four year program move on to pursue specialized topics like pharmaceutical research, third world health, or just about any other topic in health care—elective courses vary by program, but can usually cater to the specific interests of any BSN student.

Step 3: Licensure Examination

Upon graduation, LPN and RN students take the appropriate version of the national NCLEX exam. It is the third and final step to becoming a nurse in Missouri, and almost ninety percent of graduating nursing students pass it on the first try and become a nurse in Missouri.

Further Information on Becoming a Nurse in Missouri

To learn more about becoming a nurse in Missouri including information on wages, job prospects, alternative nursing education programs and much more, see our in-depth Missouri nursing pages.