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Mississippi, MS | LPN to RN Nursing School Program

Why Take an LPN to RN Program in Mississippi?

The most obvious reason to take an LPN to RN education program in Mississippi is the opportunity to make a lot more money: RNs make fifty percent more than LPNs in the state. Secondly, RNs have more opportunity for employment in a wider range of roles, both in hospitals and beyond. Where RNs are the direct superiors to LPNs and respond to the changing needs of patients in a supervisory role. And because it only takes a year to complete an LPN to RN program, it can be a very efficient way to improve one’s standing in the workplace.

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How to Do a LPN to RN Program in Mississippi

An LPN to RN education program in Mississippi takes a year to finish, with both online and classroom options available and entry based on grades and workplace recommendations. Once accepted, students take courses in theory and practice of nursing, as well as some general studies in the liberal arts and sciences such as psychology and physiology. It prepares students for the National Council Licensure Examination, Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN), which costs $200 to take through Pearson Vue and requires application to the Mississippi Board of Nursing at a cost of $100. In addition to RN licensure, an LPN to RN program can give students necessary credits to receive an Associate Degree of Nursing as well. Graduates leave an LPN to RN program ready to assume senior positions in the workplace and earn significantly more money.