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How to Become a Nurse in Minnesota, MN

Becoming a nurse in Minnesota begins with prerequisite courses: around 5 classes of introductory college courses following high school graduation and covering topics like biology, statistics and psychology. Then, prospective nursing students must apply to a nursing education program. They typically choose between one of two Registered Nurse (RN) training programs: an Associate Degree (ADN) or Bachelor’s Degree (BSN) in nursing, both of which can offer early exit options to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). LPN training can also be achieved through one year diploma programs, but is only chosen by about 1 out of 10 nursing students because Registered Nurses enjoy more job opportunities and significantly better wages.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

The first year of nursing education cover the core concepts, practices, and theories of patient care—assessing needs, and delivering one on one treatment. The second year then builds and these skills and begins to discuss broader theories of nursing, nurse management, research principles and so forth. Those enrolled in a BSN are afforded a third and fourth year to take specialized elective courses and advanced research, management, and care classes. This opportunity for specialization is the main reason to pursue a BSN instead of the quicker ADN—it can lead to more diverse job opportunities and the potential for higher wages.

The last step to becoming a nurse in Minnesota is to take the NCLEX licensure examination, which is a nationally-standardized test of competency and knowledge in the nursing field. Upon graduation, close to 90 percent of prospective Minnesota nurses pass the test and begin working as a professional nurse.

More Minnesota Nursing Information

If you want to learn more about how to become a nurse in Minnesota, including information on typical duties, job prospects, lower-level certification, wages and more, visit our in-depth Minnesota nursing pages.