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Nursing Schools in Massachusetts, MA

The Massachusetts Board of Registered Nursing maintains a list of currently approved nursing programs, from LPN all the way up to graduate studies. There are 24 LPN programs and 40 RN programs on the current list, including one hospital-based diploma program, ensuring that there will be one close to you. It is advisable to contact numerous schools and evaluate programs based on your specific needs—not all programs carry the same cost, entry requirements, or courses that may lead to the nursing stream you wish to enter.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in Massachusetts

The state of Massachusetts boasts an impressive 1,300 nurses per 100,000 population, significantly more than the 860 throughout the United States.[1] In a booming field like healthcare, this statistic shows that the need for nurses in Massachusetts will likely grow in the coming years as individuals retire, advance within their occupations, and relocate. Obtaining an online nursing degree in Massachusetts is one enormous step toward a rewarding career in the nursing field.

Advantages of Online Nursing Courses
Pursuing an degree through online courses takes discipline and involves a significant amount of autonomy, but those who have the drive to make it work find that there are numerous advantages to taking nursing courses online.

  • Improve communication. Because most of the coursework in online nursing programs is done via the internet, communication becomes a key factor to success. Students quickly learn how to effectively communicate through writing during their online discussions with classmates and communications with their instructors.
  • Become familiar with technology. When you are forced to use the internet and computers every day to succeed in your nursing courses, you will find yourself quickly learning the ins and outs of technology. This is particularly useful in the healthcare field, as technology has been a key factor of the growth of the healthcare field.
  • Reduced cost. This advantage can take on many forms. First, the cost of transportation is reduced significantly when you enroll in an distance education program. Because of the flexibility of studying from anywhere you please, you won’t have to battle traffic, pay for gas or parking, or fork over bus fare. Another cost-benefit to taking online nursing courses is that you can often enroll in one or two classes at a time, instead of undertaking a full-course load. Although this means a longer amount of time until graduating, it also means you can pay for courses as you can afford them.

Selecting an Online Nursing Program
Online nursing programs are as varied as the students who take them. For this reason, it is important to know what steps to take when determining which online nursing school to enroll in.

  • Know your educational goal. If you are entering an online nursing program to earn a two-year degree and become a registered nurse, then that nursing program will vary slightly from a nursing program for students intending to earn a four-year degree.
  • Read up on several online nursing schools. Pick a number of online nursing schools that appeal to you, and delve into the information about their nursing programs. Ask around to people who have taken online nursing courses and see which programs they liked or didn’t like and why.
  • Ask the online nursing school for more information. When you have narrowed your decision down to a handful of options, request information from the online nursing schools. This will give you further information on costs, deadlines, and specific nursing program information.
  • Determine your eligibility. Most online nursing programs require that students have fulfilled certain course requirements before entering the program. To save yourself time and money, be sure that you have completed these prerequisite courses prior to applying to the nursing program.
  • Apply. With all of the information you have obtained, you should be ready to apply to one or more of the online nursing schools. This process is fairly straightforward and can be done online.

Online Nursing Degrees
Nearly any nursing degree that can be obtained in a traditional classroom setting can also be earned through an online nursing program. This is particularly beneficial for nurses who wish to earn an advanced degree without taking time away from their careers to do so. The following are typical online nursing degrees offered by schools in Massachusetts and beyond.

  • Associate’s Degree in Nursing: 2 Years
  • Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing: 4 Years
  • Master’s of Science in Nursing: 7 Years
  • PhD : 8+ Years

Career Expectations For Nurses in Massachusetts

The nursing profession as a whole is expected to increase for quite some time, more so than almost any other occupation.[2] The same is likely true for nurses in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts registered nurses earn a reported annual median income of $59,700 to $89,200.[3] It is important to note that the lower income is in a lesser populated area of Massachusetts where the cost of living is also significantly less. In almost every metropolitan area of the state, the salary for registered nurses is significantly higher than the reported annual median wage of $59,981[4] throughout all occupations in Massachusetts.

Another interesting factor to consider is that income reports for registered nurses do not differentiate between registered nurses and nurse practitioners. Therefore, if you are pursuing a career in the nurse practitioner field, it may be helpful to take into account the registered nurses in Massachusetts who made in the 90th percentile for the state. In Massachusetts, these nurses earned between $85,660 and $135,870,[3] an impressive wage for a well-deserving career.

Cities in Massachusetts, MA Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs:  Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon.  Nursing Degrees and Schools in Massachusetts can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Massachusetts, MA.  Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities: Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Lowell, Cambridge, New Bedford, Brockton, Quincy, Lynn, Fall River, Newton, Lawrence, Somerville, Framingham, Haverhill, Waltham, Malden, Brookline, Medford, Taunton, Chicopee, Weymouth Town, Revere, Peabody, Methuen Town, Barnstable Town, Pittsfield, Attleboro, Arlington, Everett, Salem. Cities in Massachusetts, MA with Nursing School Campuses in Close Locations:  In smaller populated cities Nursing School Programs are not as widespread, therefore you may have to research nearby locations to find a nursing school course or be open to online nursing programs.  Online classes have been found to be a convenient route to attaining a nursing degree. 

[1] Nurses per 100,000 population
[2] Registered Nurses
[3] Massachusetts Registered Nurses Earnings
[4] Massachusetts